Birding La Tigra con Nuevos Amigos

Hemos terminado bien el mes de mayo de este 2009 con una buena mañana de birding en la tigra junto a Virgil Troyer y compañia….estuvo bastante bueno, hasta yo me traje un lifebird! ya voy por 316 lo cual siempre es bueno.

Lo bueno de todo esto es que pude conocer a unas personas geniales con las que estoy seguro repetiremos esta experiencia por todo el país.

A ver…..que vimos y/o escuchamos:
Singing Quail
White faced Quail Dove
Rufous browed Wren
Mountain Trogon
Slate throated Redstart
Black throated Jay
Strong billed Woodcreeper
Crescent chested Warbler
Common bush Tanager
Barred Parakeet
Chestnut capped Brushfinch
Sharp shinned Hawk? abajo hay una imagen creemos que eso era.
White eared Hummingbird

De izquierda a derecha:
Andrew, Amanda, Virgil, Benjamin
Daniel, Joy, Kathy

Good times, Good Friends, Birding Times

~ por Luis Daniel en May 31, 2009.

4 respuestas to “Birding La Tigra con Nuevos Amigos”

  1. Nice birds! I hope I can bird there some day.

  2. Hey, where is the nice family who joined us for the photo?!?

    Thanks again for taking us out. It was a blast. We’ve got to do it again sometime soon.

    Take care.

    • @Andrew
      I cropped´em out because i had to shrink the photo so much that no faces wouldve been recognizable….

      lots of fun birding with you guys, we gotta do it again sometime

  3. It was truly a wonderful time Daniel. Thank you so much for going with us and showing us the ropes (and trails and birds) of La Tigra. Looking forward to more birding adventures with you. Hasta luego!

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